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  3. How to Allow or Block Calls

How to Allow or Block Calls

The following steps will allow you to Allow and Block Calls from the Web Portal.

Allowing/Blocking Numbers

  • From the top navigation menu click on Users
  • Select the Ring Group
  • Click on Answering Rules
  • On the Right, click on Allow/Block
  • To Allow you will enter the number on the Allowed Numbers
  • To Block you will enter the number on the Blocked Numbers
  • Once done adding numbers click Done.


If you do not find an associated ring group, verify whether you have the “Office Manager” or “Site Manger” Roles.

Helpful Tips

Blocking calls through the web manager portal makes it so that all calls will have the same call logic applied for all users. If you block calls at a single device, only that device will ignore the call while other registered devices will continue to ring through. Also, important to note that if calls are blocked on the device level, once a device is factory reset it will also reset the previously blocked calls.

Updated on May 25, 2021
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